About Selwyn Duijvestijn
Selwyn Duijvestijn is a stock market expert and finance professional with years of experience in his field. Selwyn started investment endeavors over 15 years ago where he learned important processes and grew his acumen within the investment space. Now, Selwyn pulls form his years of experience as a stock market expert and entrepreneur to maintain the strategic vision of his collaborators and bring financial success to the companies he leads.
Selwyn is currently the CEO at DGB Group (Dutch Green Business ), notably the youngest CEO of a public company in Europe.
As the world’s first publicly traded purpose company focused on ecosystem restoration, DGB is harnessing market forces and the access to capital needed to accelerate Earth’s reforestation rapidly. DGB is an energetic, global company listed on the Amsterdam Euronext stock exchange. In his role, Selwyn Duijvestijn works closely with his staff and oversees crucial processes such as HR, financing, and anything in between. Under Selwyn’s leadership, DGB has successfully facilitated a transition from a renewable energy company to an organization solely focused on nature conservation and restoration.
Those who have worked with Selwyn Duijvestijn speak to how he is a professional who is incredibly invested in nature conservation and protection. Colleagues uphold that Selwyn combines deep financial knowledge and expertise with a passion for contributing to a fruitful future for nature conservation and protection organizations, leveraging his skills to create a brighter future for members of the community as well as our environment. In Selwyn Duijvestijn’s eyes, goals such as restoring trees lost to deforestation and preventing the extinction of vulnerable animal species can be possible through the sustained commitment of individuals, communities, and organizations on the front lines of these issues.
About Dutch Green Business (DGB) Group
Dutch Green Business (DGB) is a market leader in ecosystem restoration and carbon offsetting. DGB is notably the first publicly traded purpose company that is focused on conservation and carbon offsetting in the world. The organization specializes in large scale, high-quality biodiversity projects through three focus areas: nature -based projects, carbon offsetting, and biodiversity offsets. With a boots-on-the-ground approach, DGB is a purpose-driven for-profit organization focused on bringing excellence to the development and operation of carbon projects while producing high-quality carbon offset credits. Since its founding, DGB has successfully facilitated the planting of over 9 .4 million trees, restored 40,000 acres of land, captured 11 million tons of co2 and has created over 2,7 00 jobs within its industry through its worldwide projects. DGB is part of a full family of brands including, Dutch Green project management, CO2 Expert, Habitat Market, Green Tech Solutions, STATIX AI, and Corekees, each facilitating crucial processes that empower DGB Group to make a difference in within its sector.
Selwyn Duijvestijn’s Areas of Expertise
Over the course of Selwyn’s career, he has developed a host of skills that empower him to bring sustainable results and success to his organization and its collaborators. Below are a few of Selwyn Duijvestijn’s most cited skills and areas of expertise.
- Nature Conservation
- Nature Protection
- Business Development
- Entrepreneurship
- Sales
- Market Research
- Asset Management
- Logistics
- Operations
- Consulting
- Training
- Mentorship
- Marketing
- Business Strategy
- Management
- Administration
- Investment
- Finance
- Technical Analysis
- Risk Management
- Portfolio Management
What to Expect from SelwynDuijvestijn.com

SelwynDuijvestijn.com is your resource for learning more about nature conservation and protection as well as key insights in the world of business development. Below are a few of the types of topics that readers can expect through future content updated to this site.
Nature Conservation and Protection Information
Nature Conservation and protection has seen a boom in interest in the last few years as communities become more mindful of the positive impact that it can have on our environment. Selwyn Duijvestijn acknowledges that he is in the unique position to share insights related to his areas of expertise that can be valuable to readers for both personal and professional reasons. Whether you are an individual looking to make more sustainable choices or a professional in business looking to highlight your organization’s commitment to greener practices and net-zero, future content inspired by Selwyn’s insights will break down crucial topics to contextualize your efforts.
Recent Industry Developments
Advancements and innovation within the nature conservation and protection space play a vital role in its future and ability to expand the scope of its efforts. Readers can expect that future content will address recent developments within the space as they become available such as new technologies and applications, laws impacting key processes, prolific industry events, shifting best practices, and more. Through news and updates that have an impact on the community, Selwyn aims to help those interested keep up with this fast paced landscape.
Professional Insights
As a nature conservation and protection executive with years of experience, Selwyn Duijvestijn realizes that he has a multitude of professional insights to share with individuals who are looking to build a career in the space. Selwyn’s goal through professional development content is to provide accessible information and tools that can be leveraged to find one’s niche within the industry and continue on their path to finding success and making a difference.
More from Selwyn Duijvestijn
Selwyn Duijvestijn maintains that, in the current landscape, there are many individuals and businesses interested in learning more about conservation and protection efforts as well as growing their understanding of ways that they too can help the cause. To this end, Selwyn Duijvestijn aims to provide a wide variety of high-level resources that demystify his space and key processes involved in contributing to a more sustainable environment for generations to come. Future content inspired by Selwyn’s insights will explore topics such as the importance of more nature conservation and protection groups going public, simple ways to display a commitment to sustainability in our daily lives, recent developments currently impacting innovation in conversation and carbon offsetting spaces, and more.
Interested in learning more about nature conservation, protection, and associated topics from an experienced professional such as Selwyn Duijvestijn of DGB? Be sure to check this website frequently for more high-level content inspired by his insights.